CNS Admissions Application:
2025-26 School Year Waitlist
Applications opened for our 2025-26 school year on September 1, 2024.
A non-refundable application fee of $35 payable to via PayPal
is due prior to processing your application.
Child's name:
Child's date of birth: *
Child's gender identification:
Which category(s) best describe your child (select all that apply): **
Asian or South Asian (e.g. Chinese, Filipino, Pakistani, Afghan, Asian Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, etc.)
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (e.g. Sampan, Chamorro, Tongan, Fijian, Marshallese, etc.)
Black or African (e.g. African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian, Somalian, etc.)
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
(e.g. Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Salvadorian, Dominican, Columbian, etc.)
White (e.g. German, Irish, English, Italian, Polish, French, etc.)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
(e.g. Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.)
Parent/Guardian (1) name:
Parent/Guardian (1) address:
Parent/Guardian (1) zip code:
Parent/Guardian (1) email:
Parent/Guardian (1) phone number:
Parent/Guardian (2) name:
Parent/Guardian (2) address:
Parent/Guardian (2) zip code:
Parent/Guardian (2) email:
Parent/Guardian (2) phone number:
Have you submitted an application for this child before?
Are you a returning family?
Are you a contributing member of the Unitarian Society of Germantown?
Are there any other attributes your family has that would contribute to our school community's diversity? **
How did you hear about us?
Are you interested in financial assistance?
Have you submitted your application fee via PayPal?
* Your child must be three years old before September 1, 2025
** To help us in our efforts to create a learning community rich in diversity, please consider answering this question.